Juried anniversary exhibition at Galleri Ramfjord (NO)
30 artists of 500 have been selected for the final round:
Vered Gersztenkorn, Jannecke Lønne Christiansen, Pippip Ferner, Aleksandra Niemczyk, Erik Formoe, Else Gjerdrum, Beatrice Guttormsen, Pia Myrvold, Kari Anne Helleberg Bahri, Liv Heier, Eli Roaldseth, Erlend Mikael Sæverud, Anne-Sofie Øgaard, Jeanette Henriksveen, Kathleen McIntyre, Kristin Von Hirsch, Erik Jansen, Henrik Uldalen, Ole Marius Jørgensen, Anki King, Marie Kristiansen, Kristoffer Landsend, Hilde Marstrander, Liz Palm, Signe Christine Urdal, Merete Løndal, Amina Bech, Christina Disington, Fiane Bitterbarth, Gro Mukta Holter, Espen Eiborg, Julia Valentina Ester Olaussen, Lillian Presthus, Cilie Risaasen, Gabriel Schmitz og Alexei Svetlov
Lars Elton (journalist and art critic), Sol Kjøk (artist and founder of NOoSPHERE in New York) and Steinar Christensen (Performing artist and former professor at the National Art Academy of Oslo, Professor and Head of Sculpture Department at Konsthøgskolan Valand (art academy in Gothenburg) Pricipal of the National Art Academy, Oslo and guest professor at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen).
Galleri Ramfjord, Oslo:
Juried anniversary exhibition and prize competition: August 25-September 23
Opening reception: Saturday, August 25, 6-9 pm (Prize Award Ceremony 7 pm)
NOoSPHERE Arts (formerly .NO), New York:
Juried Exhibition: October 5-28
Opening reception: Friday, October 5, 7-10 pm